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Artigos Científicos

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Palavras mais usadas nos artigos revisados por pares publicados entre 2014 e 2020

Ribeiro, M.R.; Suzuki, K.; Martins, R.S. 2022. Early development of pearlside Maurolicus stehmanni off south-eastern Brazil. Journal of Fish Biology, v. 1, p. 1-13.

Jesus, M.D.; Sales, J.B.L.; Martins, R.S.; Ready, J.S.; Costa, T.A.; Ablett, J.B.; Schiavetti, A. 2021. Traditional knowledge aids description when resolving the taxonomic status of unsettled species using classical and molecular taxonomy: the case of the shallow-water octopus Callistoctopus furvus (Gould, 1852) from the Western Atlantic Ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science, v. 7, p. 595244.

Afonso, A. S.; Mourato, B.; Hazin, H.; Hazin, F.H.V. 2021. The effect of light attractor color in pelagic longline fisheries. Fisheries Research, v. 235, p. 105822.

Zeineddine, G.C.; Quesada, V.W.; Ramires, M.; Martins, R.S.; Mourato, B.L. 2021. A pesca de caíco e o conhecimento ecológico local dos pescadores artesanais do arquipélago de Fernando de Noronha, PE, Brasil. Gaia Scientia, v. 15, p. 173.

Ferrette, B.; Mourato, B. L.; Hazin, F. H. V.; Arocha, F.; Williams, S. M.; Rodrigues Junior, C. E.; Porto-Foresti, F.; Amorim, A. F.; Rotundo, M. M.; Coelho, R.; Hoolihan, J. P.; Sow, F. N.; Diaha, N. C.; Romanov, E. V.; Domingues, R. R. ; Oliveira, C. ; Foresti, F. ; Mendonca, F. F. 2021. Global phylogeography of sailfish: deep evolutionary lineages with implications for fisheries management. Hydrobiologia.

Pinheiro, P.; Oliveira I. M.; Rego, M.; Mourato, B. L.; Hazin, F. 2021. Reproductive biology of the white marlin (Kajikia albida) in the southwestern and equatorial Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Applied Ichthyology.

Lucena-Fredou, F.; Mourato, B.; Fredou, T.; Lino, P.; Munoz-Lechuga, R.; Palma, C.; Soares, A.; Pons, M. 2021. Review of the life history, fisheries, and stock assessment for small tunas in the Atlantic Ocean. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, v. 31, p. 709-736.

Martins, R.S., Camargo, R., Gasalla, M.A. 2020. Effect of retention processes on the recruitment of tropical arrow squid (Doryteuthis pleii): an individual-based modeling case study in southeastern Brazil. Fisheries Research v. 224, 105455.

Nunes, D.; Hazin, F.; Branco, I.; Hazin, H.; Pacheco, J.; Afonso, A.; Mourato, B.L.; Carvalho, F. 2019. Survivorship of species caught in a longline tuna fishery in the western equatorial Atlantic Ocean. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, v. 47, p. 798-807.

Martins, R.S., Alvares, J.G., Mourato, B.L., Ávila-da-Silva, A.O., Bastos, G.C.C. 2019. The fishery exploitation of Acoupa weakfish off São Paulo coast, southearstern Brazil. Boletim do Instituto de Pesca, v. 45(3): e489. DOI: 10.20950/1678-2305.2019.45.3.489


Santos, N.B.M., Carvalho, D.M.R., Ribeiro, A.S.L.S., Dutra, G.H P., Nascimento, C.L., Silva, A.N.E., Martins, R.S. 2019. Magellanic penguin Spheniscus magellanicus rehabilitation and husbandry at Santos Municipal Aquarium, Brazil. International Zoo Yearbook, v. 53, p. 53: 270-286.DOI: 10.1111/izy.12228

Martins, R.S.; Juanicó, M. 2018. Biology, distribution and geographic variation of loliginid squids (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) off southwestern Atlantic. Zoologia, 35, e23176

Mourato, B.L., Narvaez, M., Amorim, A., Hazin, H.G., Carvalho, F.C., Hazin, F.,H.V. Arocha, F. 2018. Reproductive biology and space-time modelling of spawning for sailfish in the western Atlantic Ocean. Marine Biology Research, v. 14, p.  269-286.

Silva, G.B., Hazin, H.G., Mourato, B.L., Hazin, F.H.V., Fonteles-Filho, A.A. 2016. Composição das capturas na pesca de atuns e afins em cardumes associados no atlântico oeste equatorial. Boletim do Instituto de Pesca, v. 42, p. 866-877.


Mourato, B.L.; Hazin, H.G., Hazin, F.H.V., Carvalho, F.C., Amorim, A.F. 2016. Assessing Atlantic sailfish catch rates based on Brazilian sport fishing tournaments (1996-2014). Boletim do Instituto de Pesca, v. 42, p. 625-634.


Alves, I.A., Hazin, H.G., Hazin, F.H.V., Travassos, P., Silva, G., Mourato, B.L, Carvalho, F.C. 2015. Distribuição do Agulhão Negro no Atlântico Sul e Equatorial e potencial de estratégia de manejo espacial. Boletim do Instituto de Pesca, v. 41, p. 607-617.

Musyl, M., Moyes, C.S., Brill, R.W., Mourato, B.L., West, A., McNaughton, L.M., Chiang, W., Sun, C. 2015. Post-release mortality in istiophorid billfish. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, v. 72, p. 538-556.

Mourato, B.L.; Carvalho, F.; Musyl, M. ; Amorim, A.; Pacheco, J. C.; Hazin, H.; Hazin, F. 2014. Short-term movements and habitat preferences of sailfish, Istiophorus platypterus (Istiophoridae), along the southeast coast of Brazil. Neotropical Ichthyology.

Mourato, B.L., Carvalho, F., Musyl, Mi., Amorim, A.F., Pacheco, J.C., Hazin, H.G., Hazin, F.H.V. 2014. Short-term movements and habitat preferences of sailfish, Istiophorus platypterus (Istiophoridae), along the southeast coast of Brazil. Neotropical Ichthyology, v. 12, p. 861-870.

Novaes, J.L.C., Costa, R., Mourato, B.L., Peretti, D. 2014. Length-weight relationships of six freshwater fish species from the semiarid region of Brazil. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, v. 30, p. 1101-1102.


Mourato, B.L., Hazin, F.H.V. , Bigelow, K., Musyl, M., Carvalho, F.C., Hazin, H.G. 2014. Spatio-temporal trends of sailfish, Istiophorus platypterus catch rates in relation to spawning ground and environmental factors in the equatorial and southwestern Atlantic Ocean. Fisheries Oceanography, v. 23, p. 32-44.


Martins, R.S.; Camargo, R., Gasalla, M.A. 2014. The São Paulo shelf (SE Brazil) as a nursery ground for Doryteuthis plei (Blainville, 1823) paralarvae: a Lagrangian particle-tracking Individual Based Model approach. Hydrobiologia, v. 725, p. 57-68.

Mourato, B. L.Hazin, F. H. V ; Bigelow, K. ; Musyl, M. ; Carvalho, F. C. ; Hazin, H. G. 2013. Spatio-temporal trends of sailfish, Istiophorus platypterus catch rates in relation to spawning ground and environmental factors in the equatorial and southwestern Atlantic Ocean. Fisheries Oceanography, v. 22.

Martins, R.S.; Roberts, M.J.; Lett, C.; Chang, N.; Moloney, C.L.; Camargo, M.G.; Vidal, E.A.G. 2013. Modelling transport of chokka squid (Loligo reynaudii) paralarvae off South Africa: reviewing, testing and extending the Westward Transport Hypothesis. Fisheries Oceanography, v. 23. 

Martins, R.S.; Schwingel, P. R. 2012. Biological aspects of the Sailfin dory Zenopsis conchifer (Lowe, 1852) caught by deep-sea trawling fishery off southern Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, v. 60, p. 171-179.

Carvalho, F. C. ; Murie, D. J. ; Hazin, F. H. V. ; Hazin, H. G. ; Mourato, B. L.; Burgess, G. H. 2011. Spatial predictions of blue shark (Prionace glauca) catch rate and catch probability of juveniles in the Southwest Atlantic. ICES Journal of Marine Science, v. 68, p. 890-900.

Mourato, B. L.Arfelli, C. A. ; Amorim, A. F. ; Hazin, H. G. ; Carvalho, F. C. ; Hazin, F. H. V. 2011. Spatio-temporal distribution and target species in a longline fishery off the southeastern coast of Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Oceanography, v. 59, p. 185-194.

Martins, R.S.; Roberts, M.J.; Vidal, E.A.G.; Moloney, C.L. 2010. Effects of temperature on yolk utilization by chokka squid (Loligo reynaudii d'Orbigny, 1839) paralarvae. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, v. 386, p. 19-26.

Mourato, B. L.; Hazin, H. G. ; Lima, C. W. ; Travassos, P. ; Arfelli, C. A. ; Amorim, A. F. ; Hazin, F. H. V. 2010. Environmental and spatial effects on the size distribution of sailfish in the Atlantic ocean. Ciencias Marinas, v. 36, p. 225-236.

Mourato, B.L.; Coelho, R.; Amorim, A.F.; Carvalho, F.C.; Hazin, F.H.V.; Burgess, G. 2010. Size at maturity and length-weight relationships of the blurred lantern shark Etmopterus bigelowi Shirai and Tachikawa 1993 (Squaliformes: Etmopteridae) caught off southeastern Brazil. Ciencias Marinas, v. 36, p. 323-331.

Carvalho, F.C.; Murie, D.J.; Hazin, F.H.V.; Hazin, H.G.; Mourato, B.L.; Travassos, P.; Burgess, G.H. 2010. Catch rates and size composition of blue sharks (Prionace glauca) caught by the Brazilian pelagic longline fleet in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean. Aquatic Living Resources, v. 23, p. 373-385.

Martins, R.S.; Roberts, M.J.; Chang, N.; Verley, P.; Moloney, C.L.; Vidal, E.A.G. 2010. Effect of yolk utilization on the specific gravity of chokka squid (Loligo reynaudii) paralarvae: implications for dispersal on the Agulhas Bank, South Africa. ICES Journal of Marine Science, p. 331-344.

Martins, R.S.; Perez, J.A.A. 2009. A new record of giant squid Architeuthis sp. (Cephalopoda: Oegopsida) in Brazilian waters. Zoologia, p. 613-623.

Perez, J.A.A.; Nascimento, T.S.; Schroeder, R.; Schwarz, R.; Martins, R.S. 2009. Biological patterns of the Argentine shortfin squid Illex argentinus in the slope trawl fishery off Brazil. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, v. 37, p. 409-428, 2009.

Mourato, B.L.; Amorim, A.F.; Arfelli, C.A.; Hazin, F.H.V; Hazin, H.G.; Carvalho, F.C. 2008. Influence of environmental, spatial and temporal factors on blue shark, Prionace glauca, catch rate in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean. Arquivos de Ciências do Mar, v. 41, p. 34-46.

Martins, R. S.; Perez, J.A.A. 2008. Artisanal fish-trap fishery around Santa Catarina Island during spring/summer: characteristics, species interactions and the influence of the winds on the catches. Boletim do Instituto de Pesca, v. 34, p. 413-423.

Martins, R. S.; Perez, J.A.A. 2007. The ecology of loliginid squid in shallow waters around Santa Catarina Island, southern Brazil. Bulletin of Marine Science, v. 80, p. 125-146.

Martins, R.S.; Perez, J.A.A. 2006. Occurrence of loliginid paralarvae around Santa Catarina Island, Southern Brazil. Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences, v. 1, n.1, p. 24-27.

Martins, R.S.; Perez, J.A.A. ; Schettini, C. A. F. 2006. The squid Loligo plei around Santa Catarina Island, southern Brazil: ecology and interactions with the shallow-water oceanographic environment. Journal of Coastal Research, v. 39, p. 1284-1289.

Martins, R.S.; Perez, J.A.A. 2006. Cephalopods and fish attracted by night lights in coastal shallow-waters, off southern Brazil, with the description of squid and fish behavior. Revista de Etologia, v. 8, p. 27-34.

Vidal, E.A.G.; Roberts, M.J.; Martins, R.S. 2005. Yolk utilization, metabolism and growth in reared Loligo vulgaris reynaudii paralarvae. Aquatic Living Resources, França, v. 18, n.4, p. 385-393.

Perez, J.A.A.; Martins, R. S.; Santos, R.A. 2004.Cefalópodes Capturados pela Pesca Comercial de Talude no Sudeste e Sul do Brasil. Notas Técnicas da FACIMAR, Itajaí, v. 8, p. 65-74.

Martins, R.S.; Haimovici, M. 2000. Determinação de idades, análise do crescimento e longevidade da abrótea de profundidade, Urophycis cirrata, Goode & Bean, 1896, (Teleostei; Phycidae) no extremo sul do Brasil. Atlântica, Rio Grande, v. 22, p. 57-70.

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